Saturday, December 1, 2018


One day we went to the lake.
Everybody had their phones in their hand.
It was completely silent,
Except for certain random laughters,
That broke out of the  trolls they read,
And the sound of WhatsApp statuses,
That became unmuted.
People barely talked
And amidst these many people,
I felt as if I was alone,
So lonely.

And finally when we were about to leave,
As if following a certain custom,
The one with the best front camera
pulled out his phone,
With a certain expression of victory.
Photo number 1, came a voice
Sorry I think I blinked
Photo number 2, came a voice
Sorry I think my smile looks fake
Photo number 3, let me see
And the app just won
In lightening everybody's fake smiles

Evening came
Status number 1, best day of my life.
Status number 2, a day well spent.
Status number 3, we created tides on the ground with laughter.
Story number 1, I love my friends
Story number 2, 'mine'...
Story number 3, wish I could always have them

Fake people, fake stories and fake statuses
All of this tired me.
Bored me
I dont want to be a face on those fake candids
And I decided
No more lake visits
Unless I am alone.