I just went for the head ...

I know your pain Thor
Both of us are not very different
You are a God
I am a mortal
But both of our pains
are from a broken heart
That cant be stitched
You have a heart
And I had one too
Right now placed
In the cruel hands Of life
Begging for Mercy
Begging for death
You lost your brother
You lost your throne
You lost half your people
You lost Asgard
And finally you lost yourself
Just because
you didn't go for the head
I know your pain Thor
I really do
But then
You could still wield
The storm breaker
You had the trust of a friend
Who literally lent you his arm
You could still fake a smile
Or hide a cry.
But I am no God
I am just a mortal being
Running away from myself
Begging for the mercy of
my own thoughts
And that huge belly of yours
And your fatty physique
All that has a story to tell
And even mine does have one
Screaming at the top of its voice
But nobody seems to bother
And when you said
I just went for the head
Everybody laughed
But i didn't
Because i could feel your pain
I sensed it as my own
Because both of us
You an immortal god
And me a mortal worm
Speak in the same language
Not the language of love
But that of pain
And that language is a song for all
Except for those in pain
And for us in pain
That's a funeral bell
And then when i think
You cant be in a grave
You cant die
Because you are a God
But you feel this pain of death
Wishing for death itself
And its same with me too
I wish for death
So that i wont feel this deadly pain
But i cant die too
Because i failed
In even killing myself
I wish for a grave
So that i don't have to live as
a perfect living example of a failure
So that i can rest in peace