Life is What You Make It
The story ends with the rebirth of Ankita into a person who celebrates everyday for being alive.
This is a platform for the students of Economics Department SH College, Thevara to unleash their literary talents, innovative ideas and creativity.
One of the novels that ever touched my mind is Benyamin's Aadujeevitham. It's English transalated version is Goat Days. The novel is based on a real life incident and it is potrayed through the protagonist Najib. The novel potrays the hard core realities of migrant workers who works hard in a strange land for their family.
Najib is a young man hailing from Kerala who dreams to work in Gulf states and earn for his family consisting of his aged mother and pregnant wife. Finally, he got the visa and moved to Riyad, Saudi Arabia as an Indian emigrant worker along with a teenage boy who is also an Indian emigrant worker named Hakim. But they were dragged to labour in the hot desert for the job of caretaking herd of goats and camels by an aggressive person who later became their 'arbab' (owner). He became the slave of someone whom he doesn't know before and in a place which is completely strange to him. All the roads were miles away from them and this was the time they lost their connection with the outside world. His life was totally under control of the Arbab, he severely punished Najib for even minute mistakes. Arbab tortured Najib to the extreme which a normal human being couldn't bear. He was not given proper food or water and was made to stay with goats. He worked hard under the hot sun. As the days passed Najib's physical appearance got transformed into something that of a strange creature and he lost most of the signs as a human. To him, presence of a human other than his arbab became a rarest of rare incidence. This is clearly evident when he tried to touch a human who came near to him after a long time. The loneliness sadness, atrocities and miseries underwent by Najib were beyond endurance, with nobody to share his pains and emotions. Although he knew that the connectivity to outside world is totally missing, the feelings and emotions within him made write an imaginary letter to his wife explaining the 'extravagant ' life in Riyad which was heartbreaking. In order, to overcome his solitude, he named the goats the names of his dear ones and spent time with them. There were his wife, friends, a rowdy in his area, schoollife girlfriend and even Mohanlal, among the goats. Out of the burning agony to see his dear ones especially his mother and wife, he made his own attempts to escape from this 'hell' but all in vain. But, he never lost his hope and never stopped believing in God. He believed that one day God will come and save him. He never blamed God, he waited for that moment when God offers his hand to him. And finally, it came but was not an easy one. It was a person named Ibrahim Khadri who rescued and brought back him to regular life(he disappears from Najib's life as soon as Najib reaches outside the desert). After long days of barefoot journey, after overcoming several lifetaking obstructions in the path he reached the main road.
The novel points to the hard life of the emigrant workers, who work hard in strange worlds for the well being of their family whose problems are yet to be addressed. Their deep feelings when they were meant to live and work far away from their loved ones is also depicted. This novel is an eye opener to all and it touches all the realities of man in his struggle for life.
The author has the power to drive the minds of the readers. Whoever reads the novel gets transformed into Najib and can experience the feelings through which Najib has passed through. No-one can complete reading the novel without a heavy heart. God's touch in Najib's life entered through a person named Ibrahim Khadiri whom we can call as an incarnation of God. It appears impossible for us to believe that these incidents had really occured in the life of this particular person. But the realities of the life are to be accepted. It is a must read novel for everyone.
The Swiss Family Robinson is family classic written by Johann Wyss, a Swiss writer. It was first published in German in 1812.
The story is about a family which escapes to a deserted Island after getting ship wrecked. The family consisting of a couple and their 4 sons begins a new life of adventure and hard work in the isolated island. The family explored the island, cultivated land, hunted, constructed house, and invented machines. Even though they faced disappointments they moved forward bravely and succeeded in developing a civilized life.
The story motivates us to face the difficulties of life. It encourages us to overcome the barriers or hurdles that life place in front of us. The story also gives us the message that every thing happens,happens for the best. Facing difficulties in life helps us to realise our strength, makes us confident and also gives us a chance to improve ourselves.
The story gives importance to family and values such as honesty, unity, love, courage, forgiveness and faith. Eventhough this is a story the positive attitude shown by the family at the time of distress inspired me. The Swiss Family Robinson is a must read.
"ഒരു സങ്കീർത്തനം പോലെ "
- പെരുമ്പടവം ശ്രീധരൻ
'ഹൃദയത്തിനു മേൽ ദൈവത്തിന്റെ കൈയൊപ്പുള്ള ഒരെഴുത്തുകാരന്റെ കല '
ജീവിച്ചിരുന്ന ഒരു വ്യക്തിയുടെ, അതും വിശ്വവിഖ്യാതനായ ഒരെഴുത്തുകാരന്റെ ജീവിതം തന്റേതായ ശൈലിയിൽ എഴുതുക എന്നത് തന്നെയാവണം പെരുമ്പടവം ശ്രീധരൻ എന്ന എഴുത്തുകാരൻ നേരിട്ട ഏറ്റവും വലിയവെല്ലുവിളി. ജീവിതത്തിൽ സകല പ്രതീക്ഷകളും നഷ്ടപെട്ട, മരണത്തെ മാത്രം പ്രതീക്ഷിച്ചു കഴിയുന്ന ദസ്തയേവ്സ്കി എന്ന മനുഷ്യ മനസിന്റെ ഉള്ളിലെ സംഘർഷങ്ങൾ ആണ് കഥയുടെ ഗതി നിർണയിക്കുന്നത്. മനുഷ്യ മനസിലെ സകല വികാര -വിചാരങ്ങളെയും ഒരു കഥാപാത്രത്തിന് പകർന്നു നൽകാൻ പെരുമ്പടവം എന്ന രചനാ സാമ്രാട്ടിന് സാധിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു.
മരുഭൂമിയിൽ പെയ്തിറങ്ങുന്ന മഴയെന്നപോലെ ദസ്തയെവ്സ്കിയുടെ വഴിവിട്ട ജീവിതത്തിലേക്ക് കടന്നുവരുന്ന അന്ന എന്ന പെൺകുട്ടി പിന്നീട് അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ ജീവിതത്തിൽ ഏറ്റവും കൂടുതൽ സ്വാധീനം ചെലുത്തിയ വ്യക്തിയാവുന്നു. ദസ്തയേവ്സ്കി, അന്ന, ഫെഡോസ്യ, അലോൻകിൻ, പോളിന, മരിയ തുടങ്ങി പച്ചയായ മനുഷ്യരും അവരുടെ ജീവിതവും പ്രശ്നങ്ങളും ആവിഷ്കാര വിധേയമാകുന്നു.
ജീവിതത്തിൽ സകലതും നഷ്ടപ്പെട്ട അവസ്ഥയിൽ ദസ്തയേവ്സ്കിയുടെ നോവൽ പകർത്തിയെഴുതാൻ എത്തുന്ന പെൺകുട്ടിയാണ് അന്ന. ചുരുക്കെഴുത്തു പഠിച്ചിട്ടുള്ള അവൾ ദൈവത്തിന്റെ എഴുത്തിൽ അദ്ദേഹത്തെ സഹായിക്കുന്നു. എങ്കിലും പ്രത്യേക സ്വഭാവം കാണിക്കുന്ന ദസ്തയേവ്സ്കിയുടെ ജീവിതത്തിലെ പ്രശ്നങ്ങളും അദേഹത്തിന്റെ മനസിലെ ചിന്തയും അപകർഷതാബോധവും അവൾ തിരിച്ചറിയുന്നു. ചൂതുകളിയും അതിലൂടെ ദിവസവും കൂടിവരുന്ന കടബാധ്യതകളും എല്ലാം അവൾ അറിയുന്നു. ഇത്രമേൽ കഷ്ടതകൾക്കിടയിലും കുറ്റവും ശിക്ഷയും പോലെയുള്ള നോവലുകൾ രചിക്കാൻ കഴിയുന്ന ആ മനസിനെ അവൾ ഉൾക്കൊള്ളുന്നു. ദൈവത്തിന്റെ തെറ്റാണു താനെന്നു സ്വയം വിചാരിക്കുന്ന അദേഹത്തിന്റെ മനസ് അവൾ മാറ്റിയെടുക്കുന്നു. പകരം ക്രിസ്തുവിനെപ്പോലെ വിശുദ്ധമായ മനസാണ് അദേഹത്തിന്റേതെന്ന് അവൾ വിശ്വസിക്കുന്നു. ആ തിരിച്ചറിവ് അദ്ദേഹത്തിന് തന്റെ ജീവിതം തിരികെ പിടിക്കാൻ കെൽപ് നൽകുന്നു. പറഞ്ഞ സമയത്തിനുള്ളിൽ നോവൽ എഴുതിയെങ്കിലും അത് പ്രസിദ്ധപ്പെടുത്താനാവാതെ പോകുന്ന നിമിഷത്തിൽ അതേക്കുറിച്ചു ആലോചിക്കാതെ അന്നയുമൊത്തു പുതിയ ജീവിതം തുടങ്ങാൻ അദ്ദേഹം തീരുമാനിക്കുന്നു. അവിടെയാണ് കഥ അവസാനിക്കുന്നത്.
ലോകം മുഴുവൻ ദുർനടപ്പുകാരനാണെന്നു പറഞ്ഞ വ്യക്തിയെ സ്നേഹം കൊണ്ട് മാറ്റിയെടുക്കുന്ന പെൺകുട്ടിയെ ഇവിടെ കാണാം. എന്ത് പ്രശ്നത്തെയും സ്നേഹത്താൽ പരിഹരിക്കാമെന്ന ഒരു ഉദാഹരണം കൂടിയാവുന്നു ഇത്. ഇതുവരെയുണ്ടായിട്ടുള്ള സാഹിത്യസൃഷ്ടികളിൽ ഏറ്റവും മികച്ച ഒന്നായി ഈ പുസ്തകം നിലനിൽക്കുന്നതിനു കാരണം ഇത് പങ്കുവെയ്ക്കുന്ന സങ്കല്പവും സത്യവും കലർന്ന ജീവിത സാഹചര്യങ്ങൾ മൂലമാവാം.
'ജീവിത സംഘർഷങ്ങൾക്കിടയിലും തുടർച്ചയായി ഒഴുകുന്ന കാവ്യ നീതി...... മനസിന്റെ അന്തരാളങ്ങളിൽ നിന്നും ദസ്തയേവ്സ്കി എന്ന മനുഷ്യമനസ് സൃഷ്ടിച്ച കഥാപാത്രങ്ങൾ ഇന്നും നിലനിൽക്കുന്നു.... ഒരു സങ്കീർത്തനം പോലെ.......
സ്വാതി സാബു
Aadujeevitham one of my favorite novel is Aadujeevitham by Benyamin.Thus novel creates the real life of a Gulf malayalee who worked in the desert.This is one such book which is full of life and made tears in our eyes.Also this novel gave a message that the sufferings of the normal gulf malayalee(pravasi).This was the state award winning novel.
Benyamin,the novelist's hero is Najeeb a common malayali . Najeeb wish to work in a good enviornment send money to home ad also he wish to lead a luxurious life.This is the wish of common people . In gulfĺ Najeeb got trapped.He cheated and reached to the desert where he was assigned to look after the sheep and camals under a cruel man 'arabab'There he does'nt know the language and he is totally far away from human interaction.These days were an extreme safferings to him.He had no proper food,no shelter and no way for human basic needs.Through his utter bas experiences in life he turned him self as one of the goats and his life one like a goat .He started talking to them.He thought that these annimals were better than man.But at these says he had a hope which will brings freedom and the safe rings with goat the brutal 'arabab'.He had a hope in life and the god too.
The story narrated in the book was the real life of a man the author said.the story was a real life experience not created .But he mixed lot of thoughts and imagination for the better reading.There are much characters along with the hero that is Hakkim and Hameed.
Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle (22 May 1859 – 7 July 1930) was a British writer best known for his detective fiction featuring the character Sherlock Holmes. Originally a physician, in 1887 he published 'A Study in Scarlet' , the first of four novels about Holmes and Dr.Watson. In addition, Doyle wrote over fifty short stories featuring the famous detective. The Sherlock Holmes stories are generally considered milestones in the field of crime fiction.
Sherlock Holmes through a series of his investigations with Watson is really engaging. Most of them always start with some form of peculiar detail and then turns around to change around just from the little details that he observes. That is the charm of Sherlock Holmes and it keeps us wondering what his next step is and how each case will end. Its a very enjoyable read.
This is a book with 12 investigations of the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Dr. Watson, his trusted companion, is the narrator of each of these stories. He documents each one through his eyes and his experience. When Holmes exits the picture or when certain characters involved in the case leave his field of vision, we jump forward to when he witnesses some more. This allows us a lot of mystery as we read. We know that its the most accurate version from Watson's mouth and this is also what pulls us in. He puts in his initial assessment and then his discussion with Holmes who clarifies his route of action most of the time after the fact.
The missing parts of where Holmes investigates on his own is where we wonder when he comes back what crazy approach he is going to use next to track down or capture the unknown culprit red handed. It leaves the readers wondering and often times I found myself trying to figure out what the next move
was or who the next culprit was. There was maybe 3-4 times that I figured out who was the culprit but I usually would get the twist and details of the actual story wrong.
This is also what makes Sherlock Holmes a very attractive character. He inspects and sees the little details that we normally would not associate with how he gathers his information. It takes a lot of general knowledge to be able to pull those links together from the people he observes or the evidence that he finds and inspects.
Overall, I really did find this a very fun novel to read. I loved the character of Sherlock Holmes and will probably seek out his other novels. I always like a good mystery and makes me guess throughout reading it. It allows me to be involved throughout the story and that makes it very recommendable and a great classic to me!
Percy Jackson and the sea of monsters
Percy Jackson and the sea of monsters is the 2nd book in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series written by Rick Riordan and published in May 2006.This is a young adult fiction story. In this book Percy teams up with Annabeth, Clarissa and Tyson on a journey across the sea of monsters to retrieve the legendary golden fleece and rescue his best friend Grover from the clutches of an evil cyclop.
Percy Jackson is the central character. The relationship between PercyJackson and Annebeth intensified in this book. Grover as being kidnapped, provide much comic relief after the waves of action. Tyson, a cyclop and Percy's half brother, helps to get book's main message of accepting other people no matter who /what they are.
The story is all about exploring the sea of monsters where Riordan weaves Greek mythology into our world in fantastically yet completely believable way. There is mixture of action, danger,myth,comedy where Riordan shows his skills as a true master of story telling.
In this story we can witness bravery and a willingness to sacrifice for others.
Last Leaf
Last Leaf is a children's book written by William Baldwin and illustrated by Lisel Bell.On the first day of spring each year .New buds and leaves sprout on the branches of the Great Oak Tree. As the buds blossom into shiny green leaves,one bud named crinkle has problems sprouting. With gentle encouragement,crinkle finally sprouts.But he is small and pink instead of being large and green like the other leaves.The other leaves laugh and crinkle and make fun of him,except for old gus who is the biggest leaf on the tree.Crinkle fears the upcoming autumn afer hearing that all of the leaves will fall to the ground and die.Old Gus explains to Crinkle that the leaves do not die.but are re-absorbed by the tree's roots in the winter before sprouting once more in the spring.
As he watches all of the other leaves fall,crinkle hangs on tightly refusing to let go of the branch which supports him.The Great Oak Tree is impressed by crinkle's determination. Finally,unable to hold on any longer crinkle falls to the ground. The following spring the leaves who had teased crinkle were worried when they could not find him. Suddenly,a stunning new branch grows on as can be.Crinkle had evolved and was now a magnificent branch sprouting leaves of his own.The Great Oak Tree and all of the crinkle's amazing transformation strength and durability.
My mind is blown by the strong and powerful messages contained within this book.Not only does William Baldwin's tale about a leaf that is different teach empowerment against bullies but also shows that regardless of your differences to those around you,all of us have inner strengths which can take as to great places.the last leaf's tale comes complete with stunning illustrations which are bright and bold just like crinkle and carry a theme to show that in nature nothing ends if it is nurtured. The encouragement given to crinkle from both The Great Oak Tree and old gus .was all that crinkle needed to hold on and find his inner strength. Although the story is aimed at children,I found myself smiling throughout each and every page of the Last Leaf,and recommend this book be stocked in school home and kindergarten libraries in order to teach self-empowerment at an early age.
കാലം ഒരു പെരുമ്പാമ്പിൻ ഗർഭപാത്രത്തിൽ ഉടലെടുത്തു.....
ജനനവും മരണവും കാലത്തിൻ
കൈയും കാലുമായി ഉടലെടുത്തു....
നന്മയും തിന്മയും മനുഷ്യൻ തൻ
കരങ്ങളിൽ ഉടലെടുത്തു...
അങ്ങനെ മനുഷ്യൻ കാലിടറി
വീഴുബോൾ മരണവും ഉടലെടുത്തു.....
"വരും കലകൾക്ക് വേണ്ടി
മാത്രം വിത്ത് വിതകത്തെ നീ
ആയിരിക്കുന്ന അവസ്ഥയ്ക്കു വേണ്ടി വിതയ്ക്കുക "
സീന 😃
Harry potter is a series of fantacy novels written by Joanne Kathleen Rowling (better known as J K Rowling), published by Bloomsbury Publishing. Genres include - fantasy,drama,young adult fiction,mystery,thirller,coming off age, bildungsroman etc. First published on 26 June 1997. Books in chronological order of release:
1. Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone (1997)
2. Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets (1998)
3. Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban (1999)
4. Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire (2000)
5.Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix (2003)
6. Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince (2005)
7. Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows (2007)
The series, totalling 4,195 pages, has been translated, in whole or in part, into 65 languages.These 7 books were later made into a movies series of 8 parts by Warner Bros Pictures. It became the third highest grossing movies of all time as of February 2018. The first movie was released in 2001.Director Steven Spielberg was approached to direct the first film, but dropped out.
Rowling has also published many small books like Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, The Tales of Beedle The Bard, Quidditch Through The Ages et cetera.In 2016, she released three new e-books: Hogwarts: An Incomplete and Unreliable Guide, Short Stories from Hogwarts of Power, Politics and Pesky Poltergeists and Short Stories from Hogwarts of Heroism, Hardship and Dangerous Hobbies.
Harry Potter cannot be reviewed as single book being a series. The name Harry Potter and and something kind of points vaguely as if the story is revolving around a single person called Harry Potter. It is true to a great extent, but it has many other different dimensions as well. The reason being that the story is set in a third person perspective and does not have first hand narration of experiences of the leading character, that is Harry Potter. The story revolves around the central character Harry Potter whose parents were killed by a dark Wizard called Voldemort. The whole magical world believes that only Harry can kill Voldemort, based on a prophesy. This book is one of the books that was widely read after the Holy Bible. The series as such opens up a new magical world for its readers.
The success of JK Rowling is that Harry Potter is not just another fiction,but rather a fiction that has impacted many aspects of human life, especially teenage lives. It does have many things to share including depression, death, break up, love, family, enmity, fear, care, struggle, prophecy, beliefs, politics, friendship, relationship, misunderstandings, threats, and obviously yes, magic. And I can with some extent of absolute certainty say that the above mentioned aspects of story are the core ingredients that led to the popular acceptance of this fiction.
The story discusses numerous schemes and themes.
The way in which the author has represented depression is something so much realistic. Demontors have been described as creatures that suck out all your happiness and makes you cold. They drive your focus and your consciousness to your most dreaded memories. And that is exactly what happens for a person under acute or chronic depression. JKR also says that eating chocolate after a dementor attack helps you recover soon, which is also said to be true in case of real life depression medications. And moreover, dementors are the creatures who are keepers or wardens the worst place in the magical world, that is the Azkaban prison. So in a way Rowling says that depression is the worst feeling in the world. To say further, Rowling is said to have been under depression when she was penning down this story. Her bad times, a seven-year period, saw the death of her mother, birth of her first child, divorce from her first husband and relative poverty until the first novel in the series, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, was published in 1997.
Friendship is something that JKR has concentrated on the storyline. This can be understood as a very conscious, deliberate effort. Harry in the course of the story says that it is worth dying if it is for your friends. Also Albus Dumbmedore says that it takes so much courage to stand against your friends. Also, Harry wouldnt be alive by the end of the story, if he had no friends. They always stick together. When you think about the friendship of Harry, Ron and Hermione, the first thing that probably comes to your mind will be the scene in which Minerva McGonagall asks them 'why is it that it is always the three of you when something happens'. Harry is also portrayed as a man who is a good friend. He encourages and motivates everybody ,even including Mr Neville longbottom who always had a tendency to back off, during training the Dumbledore's Army, in Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix.
Sequences of romance are in no way scarce in the story. The romance between Harry and Cho Chang is set in a background where Cho hasn't yet recovered from the pain the death of Cedric Diggoryhas infllicted on her. She is madly in need for love, but then at the same time, she has a feeling of cheating Cedric, though he is no more. The romance between Harry and Ginny Weasley is bit more complex. The ambience in The Deathly Hallows is so much complex and uncertain. They are deeply in love with each other, but the dark wizard standing against them questions not just their survival, but their relationship as well. They are very much uncertain about who all will be left alive after all of this ends, if it does someday. That scenes of uncertain and painful love is sure to inflict very much pain in the hearts of the readers. The love scenes between Hagrid and Madame Maxime is really cute and innocent. Last but not the least, though there are no love scenes as such, Ron and Hermione shows that best friends can sometimes turn into your better half, is that what JKR meant, I am not sure. But I am sure enough that there is no mistake in interpreting it that way.
Hogwarts has many teachers. Some of them like Lupin are very much keen on protecting Harry while others like Quirinus Quirrell have Voldemort behind their turbans. You cant help but hate people like Dolores Umbridge. There are people like Gilderoy Lockhart who are just a shiw off. We have characters like Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape etc. Are very much important in Harry's life that he names his son Albus Severus Potter. A very good teacher like Lupin can teach you to fight even your worsest fears, while people like Umbridge can make you bleed, mentally and physically. This is nothing but cent percent true and painful absolute reality.
The story calls out calls out some absolute truths througj its' concepts on family. A family is not just the group of people you have been born into. A family is not a group of related people. A family is a group of people, around whom you feel like you belong there. The Weasleys and The Potters are in no way related. But then when with the Weasleys Harry feels like home. But then the Dursleys whom Harry is related to have always torured and alienated Harry. He was given the small space under the stairs until he could no longer fot into it. Even Hogwarts feels like family to Harry. Slowly Harry's pains becomes Hogwarts' pains and vice versa.
Rowling didn't initially have an intention to make her story for the teen public, but to make it a children's series. Somewhere in the story it shows Albus Dumbledore eating Jelly bellies which are chocolates very similar to present day collectibles. Also when Minerva mcgonagall charms whole Hogwarts and deploys Giants she says that she has always dreamt of using that spell. Though JKR's intention of using these elements is not clear it won't be very wrong to assume that it is to show that there is a child inside everybody however old they are.
Like already mentioned, intending to make children story series Rowling haven't forgotten to add moral elements to her story. Many dialogues in the story have a moral side to it. Many human values like love and friendship is held up right in the story. Also when there is a misconception in the magical world that all the slytherins become dark magicians or dark wizards is completely shattered at the end when Harry says to his son Albus severus Potter that it's not which house your are in but what you do that matters. He also adds that Dumbledore who was a gryffindor was a brave man and also severus Snape who was slytherin was also a good man. Through these dialogues Jo kind of points out the fact that you can do good things even if you are surrounded by bad company.
The narrative style of JK Rowling is so much informal that it makes the whole story a lot more interesting to read. It uses many colloquial and regional styles of speech (Hagrid's way of talking). The story has hundreds of characters which if one looks closely can be found even in the real world. And it is true to a great extent that you may have someone in your life like the Weasleys, Hermione, the Malfoys, Minerva McGonagall, Albus Du mbledore, Ginny Weasley, Cho Chang, Neville longbottom and even Severus Snape.Many dialogues of the story are still famous quotes. One of the best examples would be, "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." (— Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban). Also very emotional dialogues like "somewhere deep inside you know you got to be furnished don't you Potter" and the most famous dialogue by severus Snape "Always", are used even in casual talks by people.
Though Harry Potter series remind like a Bible to many ,it still has got some limitations. Plot involving the time turner and the portkey are the biggest examples. The movie also has many mistakes both in the plot and also in the screening . But then,a work of fiction doesnt have to be perfect in order to be brilliant. The talent and the ability of Rowling deserves to be highlighted here. Many people, even including me, who are not even a bit of a reader, have read those Bible sized books multiple times, and each reading takes you to a whole new level of understanding and interpretation. And indeed is something that should be praised. But the at initial stages of publishing her books Rowling had to jump over many hurdles. As many as some 12 publishers rejected her story, saying that it had no scope to be published. Somewhere around 1997 her story was given a green sign by Bloomsburry Publications, and the rest is history.
As a conclusion, all that you can say is that the Harry Potter sequel will surely be one book that we all will show our kids one day, saying that this was once the world we all dreamed to be in.
TALE - 5
After all the rituals and ceremonies were over, the newlyweds entered the car. Laying her head on his firm shoulders, Roohi said, "ennai vittu engeyum pokathe"....
Sanjay couldn't help but say,"Main tumhen kabhee nahin chhodoonga"
2 hours from then, same hospital, same operation theatre, she was moved to the ICU through the front door, while he was moved to the mortuary through the back door.
He was always bad at keeping promises.
And somewhere down the road,among the shattered pieces of glasses, a sticker read ' and they lived happily ever after'.
And a teen sitting on a nearby bus stop read the closing line of his book,'Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end'.
TALE - 4
They feed on your fear,and then you.
1 AM, showed the clock. The 12 dead bodies woke up. All the 12 doors that locked them, opened up with a screech,in unison,as if like following a military command. The white cotton cloth that covered them disappeared into thin air. They all got down, first crawling like a baby, then walking like a toddler, now they are running like an athlete and finally, flashing like lightning. Their bodies split into billions of copies.
Now they disappear.
Dead men can see any of the 12 under the bed of a sleeping man at this point.
Don't worry, they feed on your fear, and then you.
TALE - 3
നാല് വയസ്സേ ഉണ്ടായിരുന്നുള്ളൂ അവൾക്ക്. കൊണ്ടുപോകുന്നതിന് മുമ്പ്, വിറയാർന്ന കൈകളാൽ നഴ്സ്ന്റെ കയ്യിൽ പിടിച്ചുകൊണ്ട് ആ അമ്മ ചോദിച്ചു "മോളെ, എന്റെ മോൾക്ക് ഇരുട്ട് പേടിയാണ്, മോർച്ചറിയിൽ ലൈറ്റ് കാണുമോ? അവള് ഇതുവരെ തനിച്ച് കിടന്നിട്ടില്ല, ഒന്ന് നോക്കിക്കൊള്ളണെ."