Divergent is a futuristic thriller, first of the divergent series. The book is about a girl named Tris who lives in a society divided into different sections, namely factions depending on their characters. Each faction holds different ideals. Tris leaves her family and faction behind and ventures out alone. She finds that she is different and doesn't fit in any of the factions.
The reader is taken to Tris's world where she faces her fears with her brave heart. She is now in a brutal new world where she cannot trust anyone.
Tris goes through a lot of hardship, hard-core training and life-risking missions throughout the book. She is also marked with a unique characteristic. She displays characteristics of a leader, and she is also selfless and lacks cowardice even though she came from the Abnegation Faction, who are known for their simplicity and 'no pride' policy.
Her character is really interesting. In the beginning she was known as a soft, delicate girl and towards the end transforms into a strong warrior.
Divergent is really difficult to put down, because each character in the book displays strong personalities and characteristics. The story is very engaging as each chapter has something new to offer.
After reading Divergent, it would be impossible not to read the next books of the series, Insurgent and then Allegient as the adventure continues. Overall, this book is perfect for those who love adventure, adore characters that take risks, and delight in uncovering mysteries.
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